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Laravel 10 : New Features And Updates

Dhaval Baldha

23 Mar 2023


Laravel 10 : New Features And Updates


Laravel is one of the most popular PHP web application frameworks used for developing robust, scalable, and secure web applications. It offers developers a range of useful features and tools to help them build high-quality applications quickly and efficiently. Laravel 10.4 is the latest version of the framework and comes packed with several new features and updates that make it even more powerful and easy to use.

In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the exciting new features and updates that come with Laravel 10 and 10.4 and how they can help developers build better applications.

Improved routing

Routing is a critical part of any web application, and Laravel 10.4 makes it even easier to define and manage routes. The new version of the framework introduces several improvements to the routing system, including new route actions, middleware groups, and resource route parameters.

One of the most significant improvements in routing is the introduction of route actions. With this feature, developers can now define a single route that handles multiple HTTP methods. This means that instead of defining separate routes for GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests, developers can now define a single route that handles all of these methods.

Another useful feature in routing is the ability to group middleware into middleware groups. This makes it easier to apply common middleware to multiple routes, reducing the amount of repetitive code needed in the application.

Improved error handling

Error handling is a crucial part of any web application, and Laravel 10.4 makes it easier to handle errors and exceptions with a new feature called the "renderable" interface.

The renderable interface allows developers to define custom error pages that are displayed when an error or exception occurs in the application. This makes it easier to provide a consistent user experience when errors occur and helps to improve the overall quality of the application.

Improved job batching

Job batching is a feature in Laravel that allows developers to group multiple jobs together and execute them as a batch. This can help to improve performance and reduce the load on the server. In Laravel 10.4, there have been some improvements to this feature, making it easier to manage and monitor batches.

Improved routing performance

Routing is an essential part of any Web Application, and it is important to ensure that it is as fast as possible. In Laravel 10.4, there have been some improvements to the routing system, making it faster and more efficient.

Here are some new features in laravel 10.

  • Artisan command becomes more interactive: The CLI (Command Line Interface) of Laravel called Artisan has become more interactive with the latest release of Laravel 10. Even if you forget to pass the name after creating a model, you can do it with the new Artisan. "php artisan make :model:"
  • Invokable validation rules by default: With the latest version, validation rules will be invokable by default, where invokable is a function. Earlier, if users had to make an invokable validation rule, they had to add the -'invokable' flag after the Artisan command. But now, all validation rules will be invokable.
  • No longer support for PHP 8.0: The latest release of Laravel 10 does not support PHP version 8.0. Hence, you must have a minimum PHP 8.1 version to install or use Laravel 10.
  • Uses native types instead of docblocks: Native-type declarations will be present in the app skeleton code for this version. This demonstrates that the framework will produce code with type hints and return types that include features like method arguments, user-defined types in closure arguments, etc. Better type clarity and auto-complete features will make the experience for developers better. Laravel's skeleton code previously utilized DocBlocks; going forward, it will use native type declarations.
  • Laravel 10 dropped support for predis v1: If you are using Predis v1 in your project, it's time to move to the new version 2 now. Besides, you can use the native Redis extension of PHP. This is the fastest extension, which will enhance the speed of your website when you get maximum traffic. This is my opinion.
  • Removed dispatchNow(): Laravel 9 deprecated it in favor of dispatchSync(). So, you have to identify a replacement for each of your projects. Even though the modification may be fatal, it is very simple to rectify. But, here, we can give you the recommendation to use sync. Using the sync queue drive, you can set the queue property of your job to sync.
  • Quicker hashing algorithm: There will be an addition of a Hash algorithm that is quick and has features like dispersion, output randomness, and distinctiveness for lessening collisions.
  • New string password generator: There is a new method- 'str::password' that can come up with a secure password of the desired length. It will contain a merger of letters, symbols, numbers, and spaces. The default password value is 32 characters in length.


Laravel 10 introduces several new features and updates that make it even more powerful and easy to use for developers. The improved routing system, Blade component tags, and Eloquent ORM improvements make it easier to create high-quality web applications with less code and less effort.

With the new features in Laravel 10, developers can build faster and more efficient applications, reduce errors, and improve overall performance.

Model factories are a feature in Laravel that allows developers to generate fake data for testing purposes. In Laravel 10.4, there have been some improvements to this feature, making it easier to create factories for related models.


Dhaval Baldha
Dhaval Baldha


Dhaval is a visionary leader driving technological innovation and excellence. With a keen strategic mindset and deep industry expertise, he propels the company towards new heights. His leadership and passion for technology make him a cornerstone of Techvoot Solutions' success.


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